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The Truejectory Podcast is designed to assist you in rediscovering and falling madly in love with your TRUE self. 

I want to help people shed their blocks, distortions and false programs

so they can heal the root causes and own who they really are.

Once aligned with their truth they can easily step into their Truejectory

and live a life of abundance, freedom and flow.

Are you looking for

‣Inspiration & success stories

‣Life hacks & takeaway tools

‣Empowerment & motivation


‣Education around how to discover & align to your TRUE path

I got you ❤︎

Why I am so passionate about this..

Imagine a world where everyone does what they love most, every day. A world where people follow their passions and create for the rest of humanity from a place of unconditional love, abundance and joy. 


No one feels limited or lives in scarcity mentalities. People don’t judge one another because they have nothing to be jealous of. They live the life of their dreams and they feel whole, all the time.


Imagine us all loving and owning our individuality and moving in harmony as a global team working towards the highest good for all, always.


That’s the world I see for us all.

The Truejectory Podcast is here to inspire you and bring to your attention new tools and life hacks to assist us all in getting closer to what we desire and to remind you that you're not alone. We all fall into confusion, doubt, fear and helplessness sometimes. If I can offer a home for you to turn to in those low times and somewhere to keep you motivated and moving forward when you're at a high point then I'll be a happy gal. 

Tune in and start to align to your TRUE path

Available on all streaming platforms and Youtube

  • Truejectory Podcast YouTube
  • Truejectory Instagram
  • Sarah Maxwell FB
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